Resolution: Can't Do
virtctl for vm examples
To Do
The volume based VM creation flow based on instancetypes and preferences is planned to GA in CNV 4.15 .
This enables the simplification of many yaml examples to define VMs.
Generating the yaml using `virtctl create vm` hides the yaml completely from the user.
Simple examples in documentation should show `virtctl create vm` commands to create the example yaml and show yaml which is aligned to the output of `virtctl create`. This will also ensure, that the examples benefits from instance types and preferences.
User Stories
- As a new user of OpenShift Virtualization, I like to learn example VM definitions from the documentation, which are in consistent to the ones the UI is generating and QE is testing.
- Generating the yaml examples directly from the example command line.
- The examples could be extended to contain two tabs, one tab for the command line to generate the yaml, and one tab for the yaml.
- An example simplification is shown in slide 14 in https://static.sched.com/hosted_files/devconfcz2023/7a/streamlining_kubevirt_vm_creation_devconf2023.pdf or in https://drive.google.com/file/d/19Sf3XGWPnvi4qoJAQp2oq4oUdYN8JCv7/view?usp=sharing , or in any VM created using the CNV UI using the "From Volume" flow.