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  1. OpenShift Virtualization
  2. CNV-30538

Unified (harmonized) Hot-Plug API


    • harmonized hotplug
    • To Do
    • CNV-30690 - Consistent and declarative hot-plug
    • CNV-30690Consistent and declarative hot-plug


      Today the implementations and API behavior of hot-plug for Storage, CPU, Network, and (soon) Memory all differentiate.
      Different APIs and flows are required in order to hot-plug one of these resources.

      This epic is about harmonizing mostly the API behavior, and implementation if it makes sense.

      Overall the idea is to converge on a:

      • Enabling declarative hot-plug and -unplug
      • Ensuring that conditions allow to monitor the hot-(un)plug process
      • Having a way to understand the diff between current end requested state Now in CNV-30657
      • Having a way to cancel a hot-plug request

      One-off for storage: There is a use-case for attaching a disk which does not survive a restart

      User Stories

      • As a UI developer, I want have a consistent way of hot-plugging different resurces, so that I can consistently hot-plug and unplug them, and consistently monitor it's progress and consistently cancel the hot-plug process if it does not converge.
      • another user story


      • List of things not included in this epic, to alleviate any doubt raised during the grooming process.


      • Any additional details or decisions made/needed

            ibezukh Igor Bezukh
            fdeutsch@redhat.com Fabian Deutsch
            Alexander Wels, Alona Kaplan, Antonio Cardace, Edward Haas, Igor Bezukh
            Vasiliy Sibirskiy Vasiliy Sibirskiy
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
