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  1. OpenShift Virtualization
  2. CNV-27206

[2180801] [4.12]cdi.kubevirt.io/storage.bind.immediate.requested is not propagated down to the DataVolume if set on an existing DataImportCronTemplate


    • Storage Core Sprint 233, Storage Core Sprint 234, Storage Core Sprint 235
    • Medium

      +++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #2166394 +++

      Description of problem:

      Create a custom dataImportCronTemplate on HCO cr:


      • metadata:
        name: my-centos-stream8-image-cron
        garbageCollect: Outdated
        managedDataSource: my-centos-stream8
        schedule: 0 */12 * * *
        url: docker://quay.io/containerdisks/centos-stream:8
        storage: 10Gi

      without setting there:

      • metadata:
        cdi.kubevirt.io/storage.bind.immediate.requested: "true"

      if the storage classes of che cluster are configured with WaitForFirstConsumer,
      the PVC for the golden image will never be bound waiting forever in WaitForFirstConsumer.

      The workaround for this is explicitly setting:

      • metadata:
        cdi.kubevirt.io/storage.bind.immediate.requested: "true"
        on the dataImportCronTemplate

      But this works only if done at the creation of the dataImportCronTemplate while if it's simply added later on it's not going to be propagated down do the DataVolume that is going to be stuck forever as the PVC and as the dataImportCron.

      Currently the only option is explicitly deleting the DataVolume,
      only in this case it will get recreated with:

      apiVersion: cdi.kubevirt.io/v1beta1
      kind: DataVolume
      cdi.kubevirt.io/storage.bind.immediate.requested: "true"
      cdi.kubevirt.io/storage.deleteAfterCompletion: "true"

      and only now the PVC will be finally bound on the storage class with WaitForFirstConsumer.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. deploy a cluster with a single storage class configured with VOLUMEBINDINGMODE=WaitForFirstConsumer
      2. add a custom dataImportCronTemplate on HCO without explicitly setting the annotation cdi.kubevirt.io/storage.bind.immediate.requested=true
      3. amend the dataImportCronTemplate setting cdi.kubevirt.io/storage.bind.immediate.requested=true

      Actual results:
      the DiC controller is not going to propagate the annotation down to the DataVolume that is going to be stuck forever in WaitForFirstConsumer

      Expected results:
      the DiC controller should amend or eventually recreate the DataVolume propagating there the cdi.kubevirt.io/storage.bind.immediate.requested=true annotation so that the PVC could be finally bound.

      Additional info:

      — Additional comment from Arnon Gilboa on 2023-03-20 13:23:51 UTC —

      DIC controller should not care about the default storage class of the cluster, and whether it's WaitForFirstConsumer. Once it creates the DV, it won't update it later.
      Moreover, even when DIC is not used at all, if you add the annotation to an existing WaitForFirstConsumer DV, the DV controller won't reconcile it.

      Options to solve this issue:
      (1) DIC controller can add the annotation to the DV on creation if SC is WaitForFirstConsumer
      (2) DIC controller can delete and re-create the DV (if WaitForFirstConsumer + DICT updated?)
      (3) DIC controller can update the DV, and DV controller should reconcile it

      However, not sure it worth the effort and maybe it should just be documented.

      — Additional comment from Alexander Wels on 2023-03-20 14:34:32 UTC —

      In general DVs are immutable, but it is kind of hard to enforce for labels and annotations. The DV controller essentially ignores changes to annotations and labels on DVs but we allow them in case other controllers are interested these. So even if the DiC would propagate the annotation to the DV, the DV controller won't propagate it to the PVC. As you noted an easy work around is deleting the DV and it gets re-created with the right annotations on it. Also in general we are moving towards using populators (work is underway) and not DVs. So I don't know if it is worth investing time into solving this issue when the work around is pretty trivial.

      — Additional comment from Michael Henriksen on 2023-03-20 16:00:21 UTC —

      Why not always set cdi.kubevirt.io/storage.bind.immediate.requested: "true" for DataVolumes created for DataImportCron?

      — Additional comment from Arnon Gilboa on 2023-03-20 16:08:50 UTC —

      Michael, that was ~my suggestion in (1). So it's less clumsy to always set the annotation without checking for WFFC?

      — Additional comment from Michael Henriksen on 2023-03-20 16:33:59 UTC —

      > Michael, that was ~my suggestion in (1). So it's less clumsy to always set the annotation without checking for WFFC?

      I think that's the best solution

      — Additional comment from Adam Litke on 2023-03-20 18:56:04 UTC —

      I agree with Michael that we can always request immediate binding for DataImportCrons since the created DV is not intended to be used by a traditional consumer anyway.

            agilboa@redhat.com Arnon Gilboa
            yadu1@redhat.com Yan Du
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