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  1. OpenShift Virtualization
  2. CNV-26925

[2178629] [DPDK latency checkup] Traffic generator cannot start due to error in scappy server


    • Urgent

      Description of problem:
      When running the latency checkup job for testing DPDK, the traffic generator fails to start due to an error in the trex scappy server:

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
      CNV 4.13.0

      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. On a cluster with SR-IOV supported - create the following namespace:
      $ oc create ns dpdk-checkup-ns
      namespace/dpdk-checkup-ns created

      2. Change the cluster context to be in the new namespace:
      $ oc project dpdk-checkup-ns
      Now using project "dpdk-checkup-ns" on server "https://api.bm02-cnvqe2-rdu2.cnvqe2.lab.eng.rdu2.redhat.com:6443".

      Apply the following resources, in order to run latency checkup job that tests DPDK (the resources are attached):
      $ oc apply -f dpdk-latency-checkup-infra.yaml
      serviceaccount/dpdk-checkup-sa created
      role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/kiagnose-configmap-access created
      rolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/kiagnose-configmap-access created
      role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/kubevirt-dpdk-checker created
      rolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/kubevirt-dpdk-checker created
      $ oc apply -f dpdk-latency-checkup-cm.yaml
      configmap/dpdk-checkup-config created

      4. Start the latency checkup job using the attached resource:
      $ oc apply -f dpdk-latency-checkup-job.yaml
      job.batch/dpdk-checkup created

      5. While the job runs - find the traffic-generator pod:
      $ oc get pod
      dpdk-checkup-pbtmm 1/1 Running 0 19s
      kubevirt-dpdk-checkup-traffic-gen-gnlmv 0/1 Error 1 (7s ago) 15s
      virt-launcher-dpdk-vmi-cllzn-zsl7m 0/2 Init:1/2 0 15s

      6. Check the log of the traffic generator pod (full log attached):
      $ oc logs kubevirt-dpdk-checkup-traffic-gen-gnlmv
      Starting Scapy server..... Scapy server failed to run
      Output: b'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/usr/lib64/python3.9/runpy.py", line 197, in run_module_as_main\n return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,\n File "/usr/lib64/python3.9/runpy.py", line 87, in _run_code\n exec(code, run_globals)\n File "/opt/trex/automation/trex_control_plane/interactive/trex/scapy_server/scapy_zmq_server.py", line 198, in <module>\n sys.exit(main(args,port))\n File "/opt/trex/automation/trex_control_plane/interactive/trex/scapy_server/scapy_zmq_server.py", line 185, in main\n s = Scapy_server(args,port)\n File "/opt/trex/automation/trex_control_plane/interactive/trex/scapy_server/scapy_zmq_server.py", line 102, in __init\n self.scapy_wrapper = Scapy_wrapper()\n File "/opt/trex/automation/trex_control_plane/interactive/trex/scapy_server/scapy_zmq_server.py", line 26, in __init\n self.scapy_master = Scapy_service()\n File "/opt/trex/automation/trex_control_plane/interactive/trex/scapy_server/scapy_service.py", line 467, in __init_\n self.server_v_hashed = self._generate_version_hash(self.version_major,self.version_minor)\n File "/opt/trex/automation/trex_control_plane/interactive/trex/scapy_server/scapy_service.py", line 820, in _generate_version_hash\n m = hashlib.md5()\nValueError: [digital envelope routines] unsupported\n'
      WARNING: tried to configure 2048 hugepages for socket 0, but result is: 0
      WARNING: tried to configure 2048 hugepages for socket 1, but result is: 0
      Could not start scapy daemon server, which is needed by GUI to create packets.
      If you don't need it, use --no-scapy-server flag.
      ERROR encountered while configuring TRex system

      Actual results:
      pod fails in crashloop

      Expected results:
      pod should not fail in crashloop

      Additional info:
      This did not happen on CNV4.12 cluster

            phoracek@redhat.com Petr Horacek
            ralavi@redhat.com Ram Lavi
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
