Resolution: Done
Auto workloads deployment on IBM-Cloud:
- Build a CI (GitHub actions, Jenkins) for running PerfCi workloads
- Running Performance workloads (hammerdb, uperf, vdbench, bootstorm) against any cluster on IBM cloud baremetal
- Auto logging and visualization environment deployment:
- S3 bucket: IBM cloud object storage service
- DNS: Internet Services: for supporting urls: Elastic, Kibana, Grafana, artifacts all secured by SSL.
- Visualization Pod for Elastic, Kibana and Grafana container
- Auto configure bastion machine for running Visualization Pod
PerfCI runner: https://github.com/redhat-performance/benchmark-runner
Epic: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/CNV-25106
- Not see it in Kanban board when epic is: tp-ibm-cloud-gen2