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  1. OpenShift Virtualization
  2. CNV-25461

GA: SR-IOV network interface hot-plug for VMs


    • sriov-nic-hotplug
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      • (must-have) Downstream documentation
      • (must-have) Downstream test automation
      • (must-have) A user can hot-plug an SR-IOV network interface to a VM
      • (must-have) Upstream user-guide updated
      • (must-have) UI allows hot-plug not only bridge type, but SR-IOV too (tracked on a different epic)
      • (should-have) Upstream e2e test automation
      (must-have) Downstream documentation (must-have) Downstream test automation (must-have) A user can hot-plug an SR-IOV network interface to a VM (must-have) Upstream user-guide updated (must-have) UI allows hot-plug not only bridge type, but SR-IOV too (tracked on a different epic) (should-have) Upstream e2e test automation
    • Green
    • In Progress
    • CNV-25930 - GA: vNIC hot-plug for SR-IOV networks
    • CNV-25930GA: vNIC hot-plug for SR-IOV networks
    • 0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
    • dev-ready, doc-ready, po-ready, qe-ready, ux-ready
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      2024-02-05: QE finished their part, documentation WIP...

      2024-02-05: QE finished their part, documentation WIP...
    • Proposed


      Allow hot plug and unplug of SR-IOV network interfaces for VMs.

      User Stories

      • As a developer,
        I expect hotplug being available in CNV platform,
        since it is an industry standard I was using in the previous platform.


      • This epic is not concerned with bridge CNI hotplug, bridge CNI is tracked via CNV-21833
      • Hot-unplug is not needed


      • In-place hot-plug is not a must, live-migration based hot-plug is also acceptable

      Design outline


      Done Checklist

      Who What Reference
      DEV Upstream roadmap issue https://github.com/kubevirt/kubevirt/issues/6733
      DEV Upstream code and tests merged https://github.com/kubevirt/kubevirt/pull/10185
      DEV Upstream documentation merged https://kubevirt.io/user-guide/operations/hotplug_interfaces/#sr-iov-interfaces
      DEV gap doc updated Yes
      DEV Upgrade consideration None
      DEV CEE/PX summary presentation N/A
      QE Test plans in Polarion https://polarion.engineering.redhat.com/polarion/#/project/CNV/wiki/Network/Networking%20Bridged%20network%20interface%20hot-plug%20for%20VMs
      QE Automated tests merged https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/plugins/gitiles/cnv-tests/+/refs/heads/main/tests/network/l2_bridge/test_bridge_nic_hot_plug.py#632
      DOC Downstream documentation merged https://github.com/openshift/openshift-docs/pull/71247

              nrozen@redhat.com Nir Rozen
              phoracek@redhat.com Petr Horacek
              Nir Rozen Nir Rozen
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
