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  1. OpenShift Virtualization
  2. CNV-24934

[DP] CNV Multi arch work on HCO


    •  cnv-multi-arch
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      CNV is shipped also for ARM.

      CNV is shipped also for ARM.
    • Green
    • To Do
    • VIRTSTRAT-74 - [Platform Enablement] Support OpenShift Virtualization on AARCH64 (ARM)
    • 0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
    • dev-ready, doc-ready, po-ready, qe-ready, ux-ready
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      2023-10-20: on track, some automation might slip just a bit, but the epic is considered verified anyway....

      2023-10-20: on track, some automation might slip just a bit, but the epic is considered verified anyway....


      Make sure CNV has all what's needed to claim that we do support and run on ARM/Multiarch

      User Stories

      • "As a cluster admin, I want to be able to deploy CNV on ARM homogeneous cluster so that I can run VMs on ARM"
      • "As a cluster admin, I want to be able to deploy CNV on x86/ARM heterogeneous cluster so that I can run VMs on ARM alongside x86 ones"


      • List of things not included in this epic, to alleviate any doubt raised during the grooming process.


      • In 4.13 CNV started builds for ARM, there are some open gaps (virtctl binary)

      Done Checklist

      Who What Reference
      DEV Upstream roadmap issue (or individual upstream PRs) https://github.com/kubevirt/kubevirt/pull/9832 and https://gitlab.cee.redhat.com/cpaas-midstream/openshift-virtualization/kubevirt/-/merge_requests/1910
      DEV Upstream documentation merged N/A
      DEV [gap doc N/A
      DEV Upgrade consideration N/A Dev Preview only
      DEV CEE/PX summary presentation N/A
      QE Test plans in Polarion https://polarion.engineering.redhat.com/polarion/#/project/CNV/workitem?id=CNV-10097
      QE Automated tests merged https://main-jenkins-csb-cnvqe.apps.ocp-c1.prod.psi.redhat.com/view/cnv-tests%20runner/job/cnv-tests-runner-containerized/2117/testReport/
      DOC Downstream documentation merged N/A Dev Preview only

              stirabos Simone Tiraboschi
              fdeutsch@redhat.com Fabian Deutsch
              Debarati Basu-Nag Debarati Basu-Nag
              0 Vote for this issue
              9 Start watching this issue
