Resolution: Done-Errata
Description of problem:
Created a headless service and populated to VMs so they could be able to resolve the A record in an FQDN manner of: <vmi.spec.hostname>.<vmi.spec.subdomain>.<vmi.metadata.namespace>.svc.cluster.local.
Creation of their VMs seems to work, underlying Pod has its subdomain and hostname fields populated and resolution for the FQDN is functional.
However, when a live migration is triggered and the target Pod is created, it's created with the subdomain field populated but without the hostname field.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
All versions
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
- Created a headless service. My env headless service "subdomain"
- Populated the VM yaml with subdomain and hostname :
hostname: hostname
networks: - name: nic
pod: {}
subdomain: mysubdomain <----- Headless service
- Started VM and I can see the virt-launcher has a hostname and subdomain spec :
- oc get pod virt-launcher -o yaml |egrep 'hostame|subdomain'
hostname: hostname
subdomain: mysubdomain
– After live migration, the target virt-launcher pod is missing Hostname. The subdomain spec is still there.
- oc get pod virt-launcher -o yaml |egrep 'hostame|subdomain'
subdomain: mysubdomain
Actual results:
The hostname spec is missing after VM live migration on virt-launcher pod.
Expected results:
The hostname spec should also be shown on the target virt-launcher pod after migration.