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  1. OpenShift Virtualization
  2. CNV-24498

Stabilize our T2 tests


    • Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • None
    • None
    • CNV Network
    • None
    • T2-Tests-Stability
    • False
    • Hide


    • False
    • 29% To Do, 0% In Progress, 71% Done
    • ---
    • ---


      • To improve the stability of network component testing and minimize T2 automation failures.
      • Minimize failures during T2 automation run below 5%

      Key Results:

      • Conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the network component testing process and identify areas for improvement.
      • Implement improvements to the network component testing process, reducing failures rage below 5%.
      • Develop a system for tracking and analyzing T2 automation failures and identifying the root causes of those failures.
      • Implement measures to reduce T2 automation failures, achieving a failure rate below 5%.
      • Develop a strategy for continuous monitoring and improvement of network component testing and T2 automation.

      Action Plan:

      • Assess the network component testing process and identify instability and potential improvements.
      • Implement changes to the network component testing process to address identified issues, such as improving test coverage and test case design.
      • Develop a system for tracking T2 automation failures, including the frequency and severity of failures.
      • Analyze T2 automation failures to identify root causes and develop strategies to address those issues, such as improving test data or increasing test stability.
      • Implement measures to reduce T2 automation failures, such as increasing the number of test runs, incorporating new test cases, and improving the testing infrastructure.
      • Establish a system for ongoing monitoring and improvement of network component testing and T2 automation, including regular assessments and updates to the testing process.

            rh-ee-awax Anat Wax
            rh-ee-awax Anat Wax
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