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  1. OpenShift Virtualization
  2. CNV-24261

OVN Kubernetes multi-homing in CNV: Localnet


    • cnv-ovn-k-multi-localnet
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      • (must-have) D/S documentation covering this as a separate page, proposed as an alternative to the Bridge CNI
      • (must-have) VMs get fully functioning network when connected to a localnet OVN Kubernetes network including VM2VM connectivity.
      • (must-have) Localnet can be connected to arbitrary NICs on the host, it can be connected to a bond too, the configuration can be done using knmstate API.
      • (must-have) Confirm that connections to VMs through localnet remain open and uninterrupted during live migration.
      • (should-have) The NIC used for the default network can be shared with a localnet network with optional VLAN tagging
      • (should-have) Validate the ability to utilize the default management NIC for localnet traffic.
      (must-have) D/S documentation covering this as a separate page, proposed as an alternative to the Bridge CNI (must-have) VMs get fully functioning network when connected to a localnet OVN Kubernetes network including VM2VM connectivity. (must-have) Localnet can be connected to arbitrary NICs on the host, it can be connected to a bond too, the configuration can be done using knmstate API. (must-have) Confirm that connections to VMs through localnet remain open and uninterrupted during live migration. (should-have) The NIC used for the default network can be shared with a localnet network with optional VLAN tagging (should-have) Validate the ability to utilize the default management NIC for localnet traffic.
    • Green
    • To Do
    • CNV-16692 - Networking OVN and UDN Integration
    • CNV-16692Networking OVN and UDN Integration
    • 11% To Do, 0% In Progress, 89% Done
    • dev-ready, doc-ready, po-ready, qe-ready, ux-ready
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      2024-02-19: We will complete manual testing during this sprint, and automation will be handled as a technical dept for future sprints....

      2024-02-19: We will complete manual testing during this sprint, and automation will be handled as a technical dept for future sprints....


      Productize support for OVN Kubernetes localnet as an alternative to the Bridge CNI.

      User Stories

      • As adeveloper,
        I want to be able to connect my VMs to a localnet network,
        so applications running in it can connect to the underlying L2 network and gain direct connection to other services outside OCP.
      • As an administrator of a cluster with single-NIC nodes,
        I want to be able to connect localnet networks to this single NIC.
      • As a cluster administrator,
        I want to use the default management NIC for said traffic,
        so I don't have to buy more hardware, configure more switch ports, and simply leverage this already configured network.
      • As a cluster administrator,
        I want to connect Pods and VMs to secondary networks,
        to allow for control over L2 usage, provide for higher throughput, and isolate traffic.


      • <...>


      • Grooming: Do we want to be able to enable IPAM here?

      Done Checklist

      Who What Reference
      DEV Upstream roadmap issue N/A
      DEV Upstream code and tests merged https://github.com/ovn-org/ovn-kubernetes/pull/3801
      DEV Upstream documentation merged https://github.com/ovn-org/ovn-kubernetes/blob/master/docs/multi-homing.md#switched---localnet—topology 
      DEV gap doc updated N/A
      DEV Upgrade consideration None
      DEV CEE/PX summary presentation N/A
      QE Test plans in Polarion https://polarion.engineering.redhat.com/polarion/#/project/CNV/workitem?id=CNV-10454
      QE Automated tests merged All automation-related tickets are linked to this epic for efficient tracking and progress monitoring.
      DOC Downstream documentation merged https://github.com/openshift/openshift-docs/pull/70729


              nrozen@redhat.com Nir Rozen
              phoracek@redhat.com Petr Horacek
              Nir Rozen Nir Rozen
              5 Vote for this issue
              13 Start watching this issue
