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  1. OpenShift Virtualization
  2. CNV-23510

DP: Enable multiple architectures in common instance types


    • multiarch-common-instance-types
    • False
    • Hide


    • False
      • MUST provide AARCH64 specific preferences
      • MUST provide instance types and preference that result in a runnable AARCH64 VM
    • Green
    • To Do
    • VIRTSTRAT-74 - [Platform Enablement] Support OpenShift Virtualization on AARCH64 (ARM)
    • 0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
    • dev-ready, doc-ready, po-ready, qe-ready, ux-ready
    • Hide


    • ---
    • ---


      The user has to decide at least if the VM should be run on ARM of x86. This way, some boot sources / disks  no longer be eligible to use.

      Might require an additional epic: Even more, the user could limit the CPU Family to AMD or Intel. This way, some nodes will be no longer eligible to use. 

      User Stories

      • As a VM owner, I might have an application which prefers a CPU architecture, so I want to create the VM in the preferred CPU architecture, so that my application can run in a VM of the preffered CPU architecture.
      • As a cluster admin, I want to let the user know which CPU architectures or Families are provided by the nodes of the cluster, so that the VMs are created in a way that the cluster can schedule and live migrate them.
      • As QE, I like to start testing VMs using instancetypes and preferences on ARM.


      • List of things not included in this epic, to alleviate any doubt raised during the grooming process.


      • Any additional details or decisions made/needed

      Done Checklist

      Who What Reference
      DEV Upstream roadmap issue (or individual upstream PRs) <link to GitHub Issue>
      DEV Upstream documentation merged <link to meaningful PR>
      DEV gap doc updated <name sheet and cell>
      DEV Upgrade consideration <link to upgrade-related test or design doc>
      DEV CEE/PX summary presentation label epic with cee-training and add a <link to your support-facing preso>
      QE Test plans in Polarion <link or reference to Polarion>
      QE Automated tests merged <link or reference to automated tests>
      DOC Downstream documentation merged <link to meaningful PR>

              rhn-support-lyarwood Lee Yarwood
              dholler@redhat.com Dominik Holler
              Roni Kishner Roni Kishner
              0 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue
