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  1. OpenShift Virtualization
  2. CNV-21792

[2116562] NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy "ERROR: State editing already in progress. Commit, roll back or wait before retrying"



    • High


      Description of problem:

      NNCE is failing with error:

      ERROR: State editing already in progress.\nCommit, roll back or wait before retrying

      There do not appear to be any other errors.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
      OCP 4.10

      How reproducible:
      Making sure a filtering bridge interface exists (using MachineConfig in our case).

      Create X policies for X vlan and bridge devices on top of the filtering bridge interface.

      If all went well: reboot a node, and verify the nnce/nncp failed status after node became Ready again.

      Actual results:

      NNCE is not applied and goes into failing state.

      node Failing

      The node had been working, but started to fail for unknown reasons. It has been restarted, but the same errors occur.

      I did notice that there was this bug fix upstream by a Red Hat Engineer dprince, but that would just be fixing what I'm guessing is only masking the real error.

      error: at node reconcile creating NodeNetworkState: Error updating nodeNetworkState: Operation cannot be fulfilled on nodenetworkstates.nmstate.io \"worker-11\": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again","errorVerbose":"Operation cannot be fulfilled on nodenetworkstates.nmstate.io \"worker-11\": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again\nError updating nodeNetworkState\ngithub.com/nmstate/kubernetes-nmstate/pkg/helper.UpdateCurr




            ellorent Felix Enrique Llorente Pastora
            rhn-support-evadla Eswar Vadla (Inactive)
            Yossi Segev Yossi Segev
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