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  1. OpenShift Virtualization
  2. CNV-21251

[2126537] HCO upgrade (4.10.z->4.11) should not be blocked if no knmstate policy is applied


    • False
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    • False
    • CLOSED
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      Updating to OpenShift Virtualization 4.11 from version 4.10 is blocked until you install the standalone Kubernetes NMState Operator. This occurs even if your cluster configuration does not use any nmstate resources. (BZ#2126537)

      As a workaround:

      Verify that there are no node network configuration policies defined on the cluster:

      $ oc get nncp
      Updating to OpenShift Virtualization 4.11 from version 4.10 is blocked until you install the standalone Kubernetes NMState Operator. This occurs even if your cluster configuration does not use any nmstate resources. (BZ#2126537) As a workaround: Verify that there are no node network configuration policies defined on the cluster: $ oc get nncp
    • Known Issue
    • Done
    • ---
    • ---
    • High

      Description of problem:
      Until CNv 4.10, knmstate was installed as part of CNV.
      Starting from CNV 4.11, knmstate is installed as a standalone operator, and CNV does not depend on knmstate anymore (unless user explicitly wish to install and use knmstate).
      Upgrading CNV 4.10->4.11 should be blocked if knmstate is currently used (i.e. if there are NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy's applied), and standalone knmstate is not yet installed. Currently - the upgrade is blocked even if there is no policy applied.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
      OCP 4.11.0
      CNV 4.10.5
      knmstate v4.10.5-1
      HCO v4.10.5-1
      cluster-network-addons-operator v4.10.5-1

      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:
      On a cluster with OCP 4.11 and CNV 4.10.z (z>=2) - make sure there is no NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy (NNCP):
      $ oc get nncp
      No resources found

      Make sure standalone knmstate is not installed:
      $ oc get ns | grep nmstate

      Check the Upgradeable status of HCO:
      $ oc get hco -n openshift-cnv kubevirt-hyperconverged -ojsonpath=


      | jq

      { "lastTransitionTime": "2022-09-13T14:54:19Z", "message": "NetworkAddonsConfig is not upgradeable: NMState deployment is not supported by CNAO anymore, please install Kubernetes NMState Operator", "observedGeneration": 2, "reason": "NetworkAddonsConfigNotUpgradeable", "status": "False", "type": "Upgradeable" }


      Upgradeable should be "True"

            ellorent Felix Enrique Llorente Pastora
            ysegev@redhat.com Yossi Segev
            Yossi Segev Yossi Segev
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            1 Start watching this issue
