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  1. OpenShift Virtualization
  2. CNV-20104

[2110562] CNV introduces a compliance check fail in "ocp4-moderate" profile - routes-protected-by-tls



    • CNV I/U Operators Sprint 225
    • Medium


      Description of problem:
      When running a compliance scan using the Compliance Operator using the "ocp4-moderate" profile on a cluster in which CNV 4.11 is installed, a new compliance check fail is being added to the ComplianceCheckResults list:

      ocp4-moderate-routes-protected-by-tls FAIL medium

      This rule ensures that all the Route objects configured on the cluster has either "None" or "Redirect" under:


      CNV adds two routes into the cluster:
      1. hyperconverged-cluster-cli-download
      2. cdi-uploadproxy

      both of which are lacking the expected setting for insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy . This setting doesn't exist, which causes the compliance operator to complain about it.

      This query is running on a cluster where CNV is installed. CNV-related routes are the 2nd and the 3rd one:

      $ oc get routes -A -o json | jq '.items[] | "name: (.metadata.name), namespace: (.metadata.namespace), (.spec.tls.insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy)"'
      "name: oauth-openshift, namespace: openshift-authentication, Redirect"
      "name: cdi-uploadproxy, namespace: openshift-cnv, null"
      "name: hyperconverged-cluster-cli-download, namespace: openshift-cnv, null"
      "name: console, namespace: openshift-console, Redirect"
      "name: downloads, namespace: openshift-console, Redirect"
      "name: canary, namespace: openshift-ingress-canary, Redirect"
      "name: alertmanager-main, namespace: openshift-monitoring, Redirect"
      "name: prometheus-k8s, namespace: openshift-monitoring, Redirect"
      "name: prometheus-k8s-federate, namespace: openshift-monitoring, Redirect"
      "name: thanos-querier, namespace: openshift-monitoring, Redirect"

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
      all versions, should be fixed for 4.11.1 and 4.12.0

      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. Install the compliance operator (from redhat-operators catalog source) on a clean cluster
      2. Run a compliance scan using the ocp4-moderate profile
      3. Wait for the scan to finish and log the results
      4. Install CNV 4.11 or 4.12
      5. Repeat steps 2 and 3
      6. Compare the ComplianceCheckResults from pre-CNV installation and post-CNV installation. See that a new fail has been added to the 2nd run.

      Actual results:
      See above

      Expected results:
      Compliance Scan run with and without CNV should return the same results. i.e. CNV shouldn't introduce a new compliance check fail into the cluster.

      Additional info:
      The compliance rule that is failing upon CNV installation:


        Issue Links



              ocohen@redhat.com Oren Cohen
              ocohen@redhat.com Oren Cohen
              Debarati Basu-Nag Debarati Basu-Nag
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue

