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  1. OpenShift Virtualization
  2. CNV-17109

[2067246] [CNV]: Unable to ssh to Virtual Machine post changing Flavor tiny to custom


    • High

      Description of problem:

      Unable to ssh to Virtual Machine post changing Flavor tiny to custom.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      CNV 4.9

      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Create VM with tiny or medium flavor

      2. Try to ssh to VM and it works

      3. Change VM flavor to Custom

      4. Try to ssh to VM and it stop working

      Actual results:

      Unable to ssh to virtual machine

      Expected results:

      ssh to virtual machine should work post flavor change to custom

      Additional info:

      Basically post flavor change to custom. SVC still have selector "{"flavor.template.kubevirt.io/tiny":"true" [1] However Virt-launcher POD already remove LABEL ""kubevirt.io/size":"tiny". [2]


      1. oc get svc fedora-ssh-service -o jsonpath=' {..spec.selector..}

        ' | tr -s , '\n'

        {"flavor.template.kubevirt.io/tiny":"true" <-------------- "kubevirt.io/domain":"fedora" "os.template.kubevirt.io/fedora34":"true" "vm.kubevirt.io/name":"fedora" "workload.template.kubevirt.io/server":"true"}

        true fedora true fedora true


      1. oc get po virt-launcher-fedora-98ccw -o jsonpath=' {..metadata.labels..}

        ' | tr -s , '\n'

        {"kubevirt.io":"virt-launcher" "kubevirt.io/created-by":"294b69b0-9067-45e9-8fe8-0f3862edd2ad" "kubevirt.io/domain":"fedora" "os.template.kubevirt.io/fedora34":"true" "vm.kubevirt.io/name":"fedora" "workload.template.kubevirt.io/server":"true"}

        294b69b0-9067-45e9-8fe8-0f3862edd2ad fedora true fedora true virt-launcher

      Removing ""flavor.template.kubevirt.io/tiny":"true" SELECTOR from svc restore ssh-service

            mschatzm@redhat.com Matan Schatzman
            rhn-support-nsurati Nirav Surati (Inactive)
            Guohua Ouyang Guohua Ouyang
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            1 Start watching this issue
