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  1. Cloud Infrastructure Security & Compliance
  2. CMP-2485

Conflicting titles for rules `ocp4-route-ip-whitelist` & `ocp4-routes-rate-limit`


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      $ oc get rules.compliance.openshift.io ocp4-route-ip-whitelist -oyaml | grep title

      $ oc get rules.compliance.openshift.io ocp4-routes-rate-limit -oyaml | grep title

      $ oc get rules.compliance.openshift.io ocp4-route-ip-whitelist -oyaml | grep title $ oc get rules.compliance.openshift.io ocp4-routes-rate-limit -oyaml | grep title

      There are two rules within the compliance operator, namely ocp4-route-ip-whitelist and ocp4-routes-rate-limit. Upon reviewing the YAML output for these rules, it's noted that both have the title Ensure that all Routes has rate limit enabled.. However, the customer finds this title confusing and suggests changing the title of the ocp4-route-ip-whitelist rule to something like Ensure that all Routes have whitelisted IP" for clarity.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            rhn-support-alaxkar Ayush Laxkar
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