Resolution: Done
Cert-manager Operator 1.15 release
Not Selected
To Do
25% To Do, 0% In Progress, 75% Done
List of features desired in 1.15:
Upstream Features to test: https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/tag/v1.15.0
- cainjector ConfigMap isn't mounted on cainjector's deployment
- Handle multiple concurrent Azure DNS01 challenges for the same FQDN
GatewayAPI support has graduated to Beta. Add theenable-gateway-api flag to enable the integration. #6961
NON Upstream Features (Integrations and Enhancements) :
- istio csr
- All Namespaces deployment
- KONFLUX support (TBD)
QE Only Features:
- Google CAS issuer support
- Vault CI
- Scale, Perf and metrics tests?
- Metrics - https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/blob/master/pkg/metrics/metrics.go ( Reference values for metrics collected with ACME issuer. )
- Scale and Perf - Input from SD team
- Test against protocols other than ACME: EST - What is the coverage upstream? We believe OCSP, CRL (Best effort) are part of issuer coverage, but since CRL is by default added, we need to know what we have in terms of test/validation upstream and what we need downstream
- New Upstream features 1 and 2 listed above. No Gateway API tests this release.
DOCS enhancements:
- Detailed Docs around how we test with issuer. Currently we only provide list of supported issuers not how we tested against them.
- clones
CM-242 Cert-manager Operator 1.14 release
- Closed
- is blocked by
OCPBUGS-41727 aws-sdk-go-v2 fails to authenticate AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity on AWS STS clusters
- Verified
- relates to
CM-382 [E2E] OCP-65028, 65029, 65030, 66907, 76515: Use Vault issuer with different authentication methods
- Closed
CM-356 Node Selector configuration in Cert-manager Operator
- Closed
CM-344 Support for Google CAS integration with cert-manager Operator as an issuer
- Closed
CM-436 Cleanup kube-rbac-proxy sidecar
- Closed
OCPBUGS-23406 RH Cert Manager Operator - Scope concern
- Closed
OCPSTRAT-1878 [TP] istio-csr integration for cert-manager
- In Progress
- links to