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  1. Cloud Enablement
  2. CLOUD-4039

Prepare the OpenShift JDK17 images for EAP 7.4 GA


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • EAP7
    • None
    • False
    • False
    • Undefined

      This task deals with preparing all resources to build EAP 7.4 GA images for OpenShift specific to Java 17.

      This includes:

      • creation of comet repositories (build first, then delivery)
        • brew targets:
          •  jb-eap-7.4-rhel-8-containers-candidate
        • build repo creation will also create the brew component which must be specified in the image's image.yaml
          • brew component names:
            • jboss-eap-74-openjdk17-builder-openshift-rhel8-container
            • jboss-eap-74-openjdk17-runtime-openshift-rhel8-container
        • Once the build repos have been created, the delivery repos request can be made in comet:
            • ( ) jboss-eap-7-tech-preview/eap74-openjdk17-openshift-rhel8
            • ( ) jboss-eap-7-tech-preview/eap74-openjdk17-runtime-openshift-rhel8
          • These use the redhat component created as part of the build repos.
      • dist-git repositories and branches
        • containers/jboss-eap-74-openjdk17-builder - jb-eap-7.4-rhel-8
        • containers/jboss-eap-74-openjdk17-runtime - jb-eap-7.4-rhel-8

      The images will be stored in the repositories:

      • jboss-eap-7/eap74-openjdk17-openshift-rhel8
      • jboss-eap-7/eap74-openjdk17-runtime-openshift-rhel8

      these images will be tagged with the "7.4.5" tag (or the appropriate CP release)

      Github repos / branches:



            kwills@redhat.com Ken Wills
            jmesnil1@redhat.com Jeff Mesnil
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
