Resolution: Done
EAP CD 17.0.GA, EAP72 7.2.1-OpenJDK 11.GA
PR merged. Closing issue.
Workaround Exists
Suppose a deployment built on eap72-openjdk11-openshift-rhel8 image with the following environment variables that assured that the server would point timer service towards java:jboss/datasources/postgres datasource previously (with eap72-openshift images):
... - env: - name: DB_SERVICE_PREFIX_MAPPING value: testdb-postgresql=TESTDB_POSTGRESQL - name: TESTDB_POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD value: testpwd - name: TIMER_SERVICE_DATA_STORE value: testdb-postgresql - name: TESTDB_POSTGRESQL_DATABASE value: testdb - name: TESTDB_POSTGRESQL_JNDI value: 'java:jboss/datasources/postgres' - name: TESTDB_POSTGRESQL_USERNAME value: testuser ...
EAP does not have any /subsystem=ejb3/service=timer-service configured. This is a change compared to eap72-openshift image, where the timer service gets properly configured.
[standalone@localhost:9990 /] /subsystem=ejb3/service=timer-service:read-resource /subsystem=ejb3/service=timer-service:read-resource { "outcome" => "failed", "failure-description" => "WFLYCTL0216: Management resource '[ (\"subsystem\" => \"ejb3\"), (\"service\" => \"timer-service\") ]' not found", "rolled-back" => true }
[standalone@localhost:9990 /] /subsystem=ejb3/service=timer-service:read-resource { "outcome" => "success", "result" => { "default-data-store" => "testdb_postgresql-TESTDB_POSTGRESQL_ds", "thread-pool-name" => "default", "database-data-store" => {"testdb_postgresql-TESTDB_POSTGRESQL_ds" => undefined}, "file-data-store" => {"default-file-store" => undefined} } }
- clones
JBEAP-17301 [eap72-openjdk11-openshift-rhel8, eapcd-openshift-rhel8, eap73-openjdk11-openshift-rhel8] Change in behaviour of TIMER_SERVICE_DATA_STORE environment variable
- Closed
- is incorporated by
CLOUD-3437 EAP 7.2.6-openjdk11 OpenShift Image release
- Closed