The quickstart jta-crash-rec-eap* does not use proper datasource and messaging which would show the proper setup of EAP app server in OpenShift environment.
The jta quickstart uses H2 database which saves data locally at data directory of the migration pod. The same there is JMS messaging set up to use in-VM ActiveMQ broker. This is not how the application should be set up for the cloud/OpenShift environment. The datasources needs to be separate services that is independent to the application (server). The quickstart in current shape shows misguiding recipe to cloud development while it does not work properly in showing the crash recovery capabilities.
(see comments at
- is blocked by
CLOUD-2768 [EAP][XA] merge jta-crash-rec-eap quickstarts and update README
- New
- is related to
JBEAP-17015 Sometimes happens that jta-crash-rec quickstart fails after scaling up EAP deployment
- Closed
CLOUD-2938 [EAP][XA] jta-crash-rec-eap quickstarts should use correct settings with remote AMQ7 broker
- Closed
- relates to
CLOUD-2760 [EAP][XA] jta-crash-rec-eap7 quickstart doesn't work with sprint-21 img
- New
JBEAP-21986 Remove eap74-tx-recovery-s2i.json
- Closed