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  1. Cloud Enablement
  2. CLOUD-2531

Convert EAP CD application templates to use AMQ 7 for the external broker


    • CLOUD Maintenance Sprint 20

      Once the AMQ 7 image is released, move the EAP CD templates to use it.


      1) Confirm that the AMQ 7 image will be non-TP in June.
      2) Confirm with Bilge that using a TP AMQ 7 is ok in the TP EAP CD 13.
      3) Validate that existing QS that assume the external broker work. (I think this is just jta_crash_req)
      4) Confirm that QS that use JMS 2 work when the template that uses AMQ 7 is used instead of the eap-cd-basic-s21 template. More broadly confirm that JMS 2 works properly with the embedded broker installed.
      5) Convert any remaining QS in jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstart to use JMS 2 and remove any xxx-jms.xml from the deployments.

      This issue then becomes a pre-requisite for the JIRA to remove support for the embedded broker.

              kwills@redhat.com Ken Wills
              bstansbe@redhat.com Brian Stansberry
              Tomas Remes Tomas Remes
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