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  1. Cloud Enablement
  2. CLOUD-2401

[EAP7] Align image import instructions and image name / version tags


    • CLOUD Maintenance Sprint 19

      > Catalog for the relevant image to see the latest tag version? (e.g.
      > https://access.redhat.com/containers/?platform=openshift#/registry.access.redhat.com/jboss-eap-7/eap71-openshift).

      There is one minor issue,

      The catalog says to use

      "oc import-image my-jboss-eap-7/eap71-openshift
      --from=registry.access.redhat.com/jboss-eap-7/eap71-openshift --confirm"

      to import the image

      which will create an image stream called eap71-openshift:latest

      however, the image streams created via


      is called jboss-eap71-openshift and doesn't create a "latest" tag. (This
      one is also used by EAP 7.1 templates, they also expect the stream to be
      called "jboss-eap71-openshift" )

      We should probably try to align these and rename the image stream in
      eap71-image-stream.json and the templates to have the same name as the
      image, so the templates would work even if one use the "oc import-image"
      instead of the eap71-image-stream.json

              kwills@redhat.com Ken Wills
              kwills@redhat.com Ken Wills
              Tomas Remes Tomas Remes
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              5 Start watching this issue
