Resolution: Done
EAP70 1.5.4.GA
CLOUD Maintenance Sprint 12
When configuring EAP7 S2I image no_proxy settings for maven using proxy exclusion using an entire domain like this:
the assemble script in /usr/local/s2i/bin/assemble translate the configuration in settings.xml like this:
<proxy> ... <nonProxyHosts>.example1.com|.example2.com</nonProxyHosts> ... </proxy>
But the correct translation is:
<proxy> ... <nonProxyHosts>*.example1.com|*.example2.com</nonProxyHosts> ... </proxy>
With the * (star) in front of the domain name.
The error is at line 47 https://github.com/jboss-openshift/cct_module/blob/1.0/s2i-common/common.sh#L47
A fix might be:
noProxy="${noProxy//,/|}" noProxy="${noProxy//|./|*.}" noProxy="${noProxy/#./*.}"
- is related to
CLOUD-2152 [tracker] Sprint 12 release
- Closed