Resolution: Done
OCPSTRAT-765 - [Dev Preview] OC mirror multiple internet disconnected enclaves - MVP
From discussions with stakeholders, it came to our attention that enclave scenarios can be very complex.
In this spike we would like to confirm that the design in CFE-896 can answer the requirements of several stages of disconnected environments mirroring from one disconnected environment to the next.
Such a scenario is illustrated in https://lucid.app/lucidchart/0936e002-1031-4522-9a0a-5c9327649f2d/edit?invitationId=inv_dfc82202-4050-4af8-b22e-6598c2ef81c6&page=0_0#
To confirm our findings we need to:
- Create EC2 instances on AWS
- Accessible from ssh
- With Docker registry distribution (registry) installed and accessible
- 3 instances 5000,6000,7000
- Check that oc-mirror v2 can natively use Registries.conf (skopeo)
- Use env var to make Cincinnati API URL configurable: check that oc-mirror v2 uses the configured cincinnati URL
- Check if we can have one cache per enclave (no blobs)
- Create some sort of audit file for each enclave
- Generate diff tars based on the audit files
- Be able to have several chunks of diff tar (configurable size)
- Simulate cincinnati server and data
- Small release to test easily
- Test an oci index => digest needs to be preserved
This issue is timeboxed to 3 days