Resolution: Done
Strategic Product Work
OCPSTRAT-173 - OC mirror enhancements
New TargetCatalog field is added in the ImageSetConfig API for Operator, will replace TargetName (deprecated) in the future to allow for modifying more than just the catalog name in the destination registry.
In Progress
CFE Sprint 232
As IBM user, I'd like to be able to specify the destination of the OCI FBC catalog in ImageSetConfig
So that I can control where that image is pushed to on the disconnected destination registry, because the path on disk to that OCI catalog doesn't make sense to be used in the component paths of the destination catalog.
Expected Inputs and Outputs - Counter Proposal
Examples provided assume that the current working directory is set to /tmp/cwdtest.
Instead of introducing a targetNamespace which is used in combination with targetName, this counter proposal introduces a targetCatalog field which supersedes the existing targetName field (which would be marked as deprecated). Users should transition from using targetName to targetCatalog, but if both happen to be specified, the targetCatalog is preferred and targetName is ignored. Any ISC that currently uses targetName alone should continue to be used as currently defined.
The rationale for targetCatalog is that some customers will have restrictions on where images can be placed. All IBM images always use a namespace. We therefore need a way to indicate where the CATALOG image is located within the context of the target registry... it can't just be placed in the root, so we need a way to configure this.
The targetCatalog field consists of an optional namespace followed by the target image name, described in extended Backus–Naur form below:
target-catalog = [namespace '/'] target-name target-name = path-component namespace = path-component ['/' path-component]* path-component = alpha-numeric [separator alpha-numeric]* alpha-numeric = /[a-z0-9]+/ separator = /[_.]|__|[-]*/
The target-name portion of targetCatalog represents the the image name in the final destination registry, and matches the definition/purpose of the targetName field. The namespace is only used for "placement" of the catalog image into the right "hierarchy" in the target registry. The target-name portion will be used in the catalog source metadata name, the file name of the catalog source, and target image reference.
- with namespace:
targetCatalog: foo/bar/baz/ibm-zcon-zosconnect-example
- without namespace:
targetCatalog: ibm-zcon-zosconnect-example
Simple Flow
FBC image from docker registry
oc mirror -c /Users/jhunkins/go/src/github.com/jchunkins/oc-mirror/ImageSetConfiguration.yml --dest-skip-tls --dest-use-http docker://localhost:5000
kind: ImageSetConfiguration apiVersion: mirror.openshift.io/v1alpha2 storageConfig: local: path: /tmp/localstorage mirror: operators: - catalog: icr.io/cpopen/ibm-zcon-zosconnect-catalog@sha256:6f02ecef46020bcd21bdd24a01f435023d5fc3943972ef0d9769d5276e178e76
apiVersion: operator.openshift.io/v1alpha1 kind: ImageContentSourcePolicy metadata: labels: operators.openshift.org/catalog: "true" name: operator-0 spec: repositoryDigestMirrors: - mirrors: - localhost:5000/cpopen source: icr.io/cpopen - mirrors: - localhost:5000/openshift4 source: registry.redhat.io/openshift4
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1 kind: CatalogSource metadata: name: ibm-zcon-zosconnect-catalog namespace: openshift-marketplace spec: image: localhost:5000/cpopen/ibm-zcon-zosconnect-catalog:6f02ec sourceType: grpc
Simple Flow With Target Namespace
FBC image from docker registry (putting images into a destination "namespace")
oc mirror -c /Users/jhunkins/go/src/github.com/jchunkins/oc-mirror/ImageSetConfiguration.yml --dest-skip-tls --dest-use-http docker://localhost:5000/foo
kind: ImageSetConfiguration apiVersion: mirror.openshift.io/v1alpha2 storageConfig: local: path: /tmp/localstorage mirror: operators: - catalog: icr.io/cpopen/ibm-zcon-zosconnect-catalog@sha256:6f02ecef46020bcd21bdd24a01f435023d5fc3943972ef0d9769d5276e178e76
apiVersion: operator.openshift.io/v1alpha1 kind: ImageContentSourcePolicy metadata: labels: operators.openshift.org/catalog: "true" name: operator-0 spec: repositoryDigestMirrors: - mirrors: - localhost:5000/foo/cpopen source: icr.io/cpopen - mirrors: - localhost:5000/foo/openshift4 source: registry.redhat.io/openshift4
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1 kind: CatalogSource metadata: name: ibm-zcon-zosconnect-catalog namespace: openshift-marketplace spec: image: localhost:5000/foo/cpopen/ibm-zcon-zosconnect-catalog:6f02ec sourceType: grpc
Simple Flow With TargetCatalog / TargetTag
FBC image from docker registry (overriding the catalog name and tag)
oc mirror -c /Users/jhunkins/go/src/github.com/jchunkins/oc-mirror/ImageSetConfiguration.yml --dest-skip-tls --dest-use-http docker://localhost:5000
kind: ImageSetConfiguration apiVersion: mirror.openshift.io/v1alpha2 storageConfig: local: path: /tmp/localstorage mirror: operators: - catalog: icr.io/cpopen/ibm-zcon-zosconnect-catalog@sha256:6f02ecef46020bcd21bdd24a01f435023d5fc3943972ef0d9769d5276e178e76 targetCatalog: cpopen/ibm-zcon-zosconnect-example # NOTE: namespace now has to be provided along with the # target catalog name to preserve the namespace in the resulting image targetTag: v123
apiVersion: operator.openshift.io/v1alpha1 kind: ImageContentSourcePolicy metadata: labels: operators.openshift.org/catalog: "true" name: operator-0 spec: repositoryDigestMirrors: - mirrors: - localhost:5000/cpopen source: icr.io/cpopen - mirrors: - localhost:5000/openshift4 source: registry.redhat.io/openshift4
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1 kind: CatalogSource metadata: name: ibm-zcon-zosconnect-example namespace: openshift-marketplace spec: image: localhost:5000/cpopen/ibm-zcon-zosconnect-example:v123 sourceType: grpc
OCI Flow
FBC image from OCI path
In this example we're suggesting the use of a targetCatalog field.
oc mirror -c /Users/jhunkins/go/src/github.com/jchunkins/oc-mirror/ImageSetConfiguration.yml --dest-skip-tls --dest-use-http --use-oci-feature docker://localhost:5000
kind: ImageSetConfiguration apiVersion: mirror.openshift.io/v1alpha2 storageConfig: local: path: /tmp/localstorage mirror: operators: - catalog: oci:///foo/bar/baz/ibm-zcon-zosconnect-catalog/amd64 # This is just a path to the catalog and has no special meaning targetCatalog: foo/bar/baz/ibm-zcon-zosconnect-example # <--- REQUIRED when using OCI and optional for docker images # value is used within the context of the target registry # targetTag: v123 # <--- OPTIONAL
apiVersion: operator.openshift.io/v1alpha1 kind: ImageContentSourcePolicy metadata: labels: operators.openshift.org/catalog: "true" name: operator-0 spec: repositoryDigestMirrors: - mirrors: - localhost:5000/cpopen source: icr.io/cpopen - mirrors: - localhost:5000/openshift4 source: registry.redhat.io/openshift4
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1 kind: CatalogSource metadata: name: ibm-zcon-zosconnect-example namespace: openshift-marketplace spec: image: localhost:5000/foo/bar/baz/ibm-zcon-zosconnect-example:6f02ec # Example uses "targetCatalog" set to # "foo/bar/baz/ibm-zcon-zosconnect-example" at the # destination registry localhost:5000 sourceType: grpc
OCI Flow With Namespace
FBC image from OCI path (putting images into a destination "namespace" named "abc")
oc mirror -c /Users/jhunkins/go/src/github.com/jchunkins/oc-mirror/ImageSetConfiguration.yml --dest-skip-tls --dest-use-http --use-oci-feature docker://localhost:5000/abc
kind: ImageSetConfiguration apiVersion: mirror.openshift.io/v1alpha2 storageConfig: local: path: /tmp/localstorage mirror: operators: - catalog: oci:///foo/bar/baz/ibm-zcon-zosconnect-catalog/amd64 # This is just a path to the catalog and has no special meaning targetCatalog: foo/bar/baz/ibm-zcon-zosconnect-example # <--- REQUIRED when using OCI and optional for docker images # value is used within the context of the target registry # targetTag: v123 # <--- OPTIONAL
apiVersion: operator.openshift.io/v1alpha1 kind: ImageContentSourcePolicy metadata: labels: operators.openshift.org/catalog: "true" name: operator-0 spec: repositoryDigestMirrors: - mirrors: - localhost:5000/abc/cpopen source: icr.io/cpopen - mirrors: - localhost:5000/abc/openshift4 source: registry.redhat.io/openshift4
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1 kind: CatalogSource metadata: name: ibm-zcon-zosconnect-example namespace: openshift-marketplace spec: image: localhost:5000/abc/foo/bar/baz/ibm-zcon-zosconnect-example:6f02ec # Example uses "targetCatalog" set to # "foo/bar/baz/ibm-zcon-zosconnect-example" at the # destination registry localhost:5000/abc sourceType: grpc
- split from
CFE-761 Improve user experience of oc-mirror with the OCI FBC feature
- Closed
- links to