Resolution: Done
The original problem description can be found at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OWB-1111
If you have an observer
public void clearCacheAfterTx(@Observes(during=TransactionPhase.AFTER_COMPLETION) ClearAfterTx payload) {...}
and you fire the event
clearCacheEvent.fire(new ClearCacheEvent());
In this case the behaviour when firing the event if the underlying transaction is already closed or rolled back is totally undefined. It might blow up or continue silently depending on the server.
The problem is that you cannot enlisten a Synchronisation at the tx anymore.
I think we should define/clarify how it should behave in the various phases.
E.g. a during=AFTER_SUCCESS should NOT deliver the event immediately if the tx is already marked for rollback. But for AFTER_COMPLETION it might be perfectly fine.
At the end we need a matrix of the the event phases + possible Exceptions
- is related to
CDI-705 BEFORE_COMPLETION Transactional observer is notified for transaction which is marked for rollback
- Closed