Feature Request
Resolution: Obsolete
CDI has support for exclude filters in the beans.xml where a certain part of a bean archive (no matter whether "annotated" or "all" type) can be excluded from CDI processing on a package level, e.g:
<exclude name="com.acme.rest.*" />
With the rise of fat jars and CDI support for SE it would also be useful to be able to define an include filter. Suppose we have a single large jar file with all its dependencies shaded in. This jar file has the beans.xml file which means that all the packages in that file are processed (all classes are at least scanned for bean defining annotations or even turned into CDI beans in "all" mode). We can obviously add a couple of exclude filters for each of the libraries we do not want to scan. It would however be much nicer if we could define a single include filter e.g.:
<include name="my.application.*" />
Other packages (that belong to shaded-in libraries) in the same jar would not be scanned at all.