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  1. CDI Specification Issues
  2. CDI-495

What happens if an illegal bean type is found in the set of bean types


    • Icon: Clarification Clarification
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 2.0 .Final
    • 1.2.Final
    • None
    • None
    • Sprint 1

      The spec clearly defines what the legal bean types are (2.2.1. Legal bean types). and also that an illegal injection point type results in definition error (5.2.3. Legal injection point types). However, it's not clear what should happen if an illegal bean type is found in the set of bean types and is not used in an injection point. I think that it would be reasonable to just ignore the type (and possibly log some warning).

            asabotdu@redhat.com Antoine Sabot-Durand (Inactive)
            mkouba@redhat.com Martin Kouba
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