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  1. CDI Specification Issues
  2. CDI-453

Support for external interceptor configuration


      Currently, there is no way to flag that an interceptor should be globally enabled/disabled within an archive/application.

      Say that I have a common JAR with some interceptor annotations on various beans within it. This JAR has two targetted runtimes, one in a servlet/app server runtime where in one interceptor should be enabled and another disabled. This same JAR is also used within a standalone (SE) batch program where the first interceptor is off and the second is on.

      In this case, I need a way to specify that an interceptor is on, without changing the deployed bean archive. I can currently alleviate this through maven shading, but would prefer not to since it tightly couples the archive to the way consumers use it.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            meetoblivion_jira John Ament (Inactive)
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