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  1. CDI Specification Issues
  2. CDI-334

Issues with global enablement of alternatives


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 1.1.FD
    • 1.1.PFD
    • Beans, Resolution
    • None

      • Section 5.1 last paragraph does not reflect global enablement of alternatives.
      • Section 5.1.1 fails to define how @Priority relates to:
        • alternative stereotypes
        • producers
      • Section 5.1.6 does not reflect global enablement of alternatives
        Section 5.2.2:
        • generally the section needs to take global enablement of alternatives into account
        • "If all the beans left are alternatives with a priority, then the container will select the alternative with the highest priority, and the
          ambiguous dependency is called resolvable."
          • there is no guarantee that there is a single alternative with the highest priority. The spec should define what happens in that case.
          • also, the statement should not only consider "alternatives" but also producers defined on alternatives
      • Section 5.3.1 - same as 5.2.2
      • Recommended priority ranges for alternatives should be defined somewhere

            pmuiratbleepbleep Pete Muir (Inactive)
            rhn-engineering-jharting Jozef Hartinger
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
