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  1. OpenShift Cloud Credential Operator
  2. CCO-429

Rebase aws-pod-identity-webhook


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    • Resolution: Done
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      Rebase aws-pod-identity-webhook fork to include upstream enhancements and fixes.


      1. Fork upstream into personal account
      2. Clone Fork

      git clone git@github.com:joelddiaz/amazon-eks-pod-identity-webhook.git

      3. Add upstream remote

      git remote add --fetch upstream https://github.com/aws/amazon-eks-pod-identity-webhook

      4. Add OpenShift remote

      git remote add --fetch openshift https://github.com/openshift/aws-pod-identity-webhook.git

      5. Create branch for PR

      git checkout -b rebase-master master

      6. Merge openshift/master into rebase-master using ours strategy

      git merge -s ours openshift/master

      7. Make a list of carry commits (output by merge -s ours) and cherry-picked them into rebase-master branch. Evaluate the need to carry patches based on their inclusion in upstream.


            jstuever@redhat.com Jeremiah Stuever
            abutcher@redhat.com Andrew Butcher
            Jianping Shu Jianping Shu
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
