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  1. Byteman
  2. BYTEMAN-77

be able to hot-configure byteman via sysprop changes


      there is now a way for a client to get and, more importantly, set system properties of the byteman agent VM. Specifically, this can be used to remotely re-configure byteman's org.jboss.byteman.* system properties.

      The problem is that byteman ignores runtime changes to its sysprops - they are only checked at class load/init time but thereafter, any changes to the sysprops are ignored.

      It would be nice from a management tool perspective to be able to re-configure byteman at runtime, without having to shutdown the byteman VM, add -D argments to the startup VM cmdline and restart the VM. It would be nice to use the new SETSYSPROPS command to be able to re-configure byteman while byteman remains running.

      We can use this to turn on and off byteman debugging for example (org.jboss.byteman.debug).

            rhn-engineering-adinn Andrew Dinn
            jmazzitelli John Mazzitelli
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