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  1. BxMS Documentation
  2. BXMSDOC-6120

New DDL scripts should be documented accordingly


    • 2020 Week 34-36 (from Aug 17), 2020 Week 37-39 (from Sep 7)
    • 3

      As part of RHPAM 7.8 release, there are 4 new DDL scripts added to the product. These new four scripts are created due to the issue raised on RHPAM-2591 which basically it created a negative IDs in a wrong way ONLY when using springboot framework as container for Kie server.

      This is only happening for two databases (the only ones using sequences):

      • Oracle
      • Postgres

      So these new DDLs must be used to create or drop a jBPM database schema in either Oracle or Postgres and when deploying kie server through springboot framework.

      Reasoning behind is due to the new hibernate generator strategy mapping. Out of the box, springboot sets flag `spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.id.new_generator_mappings` to `true` causing hibernate to use a new "hilo" algorithm for sequence generation to improve performance with regards to round trips to the database, which requires a correct and proper sequence and allocation size in place. Otherwise, it might end up generating negative IDs like in the Jira ticket already mentioned.

            csherrar Clifton Sherrard
            antferna Antonio Fernandez Alhambra (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
