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  1. BxMS Documentation
  2. BXMSDOC-3505

Provide better clarification of MAVEN_REPO_ID environment variable


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 7.1
    • None
    • Cloud
    • None

      Explanation of MAVEN_REPO_ID in this guide:


      is misleading.

      The explanation of this property is completely missing in these two guides:

      (not sure if it makes sense to add it everywhere though)

      The current explanation looks like this:

      Maven repository ID (MAVEN_REPO_ID): The Maven ID, which must match the id setting for the Maven repository.

      This is not accurate. The value MAVEN_REPO_ID will actually inside the settings.xml here:

      So the value is completely arbitrary, you don't have to match it with anything inside settings.xml (it will be used to create that entry inside settings.

      This value can be later used in KJAR's pom.xml. It's possible to add distributionManagement section where you also need to enter ID of the repository. This ID needs to match the one you have used previously inside MAVEN_REPO_ID.

      This section in the doc begins with:

      If you want to place the built KJAR files into an external Maven repository, set the following parameters:

      This is also not precise, because just adding this won't cause KJAR to be deployed there. Unless you manually add <distributionManagement> section to the pom.xml, the KJAR simply won't be deployed there.

      Some idea for re-defining this MAVEN_REPO_ID:

      Maven repository ID (MAVEN_REPO_ID): This maven repository ID will be used as the server id in the setting.xml, i.e. <server> <id> MAVEN_REPO_ID </id></server>. If you want to refer to this repository in your KJAR - for example, for the purposes of definining distributionManagement section you the kjar's pom.xml, you can refer to the repository with this ID.

      I am not too happy with it though (sounds too complex to me). I am tagging ksuta to see if he has better idea.

      PS> There is no OpenShift component in this JIRA so I have selected the next best thing.

            mramendi Mikhail Ramendik
            rhn-support-agiertli Anton Giertli
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