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  1. BxMS Documentation
  2. BXMSDOC-2907

Document system properties to control KieRepository cache size


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • 7.0
    • BRE
    • 2019 Week 23-25
    • 3
    • +

      The following two system properties are relevant for memory usage of the engine and should be further documented:

      • "kie.repository.project.cache.size" (default 100)
      • "kie.repository.project.versions.cache.size" (default 10)

      [From Mario Fusco]

      that number is not a size in memory but the number of releases (kjars stored in the in memory repo)
      e.g. 10 = stores the last 10 releases in memory and throw away the 11th

      [From Tibor Z.]

      kie.repository.project.cache.size is the maximum number of KieModules that are cached
      kie.repository.project.versions.cache.size means how many versions of a specific artifact are cached
      so the first one is a global number of how many artifacts can be cached
      the second one is how many versions of a specific artifact can be cached

      it is about loading KieModules from cache
      In short - this is used when getting a KieContainer based on a KieModule (KJar)
      (you get a session then from a KieContainer)

            sterobin@redhat.com Stetson Robinson (Inactive)
            rhn-support-mputz Martin Weiler (Inactive)
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            6 Start watching this issue
