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  1. BxMS Documentation
  2. BXMSDOC-2054

Update Installing on EAP sections with peer review comments


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 7.2
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • 6

      Update the following text currently in the modules of the LA Installation Guide:
      “This ensures consistency, transparency, and the ability to audit across the business. “
      To audit what?
      Text removed.

      “To accommodate the Business Rules component, Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite includes integrated Red Hat JBoss BRMS.”
      But BRMS is the Business Rules component, not something that exists “to accommodate” the Business Rules component?
      Text removed.

      “This section describes configuring Business Central and Execution Server in the same container. In production environments, they are usually run in different containers.”
      Does this mean we don’t document proper production installation?
      Text removed.

      “Ensure the names of the Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite deployments you are copying do not conflict with your existing deployments in the Red Hat JBoss EAP instance.”

      This is highlighted several times for different components, but no method to determine if the names actually conflict is provided. Moreover, the instructions explicitly say

      “Copy the TEMP_DIR/jboss-bpmsuite-7.0.0.LA-execution-server-ee7/jboss-bpmsuite-7.0-execution-server-ee7/kie-execution-server.war directory to EAP_HOME/standalone/deployments/.”
      In this and subsequent steps like this, it might be nice to provide sample cp commands

      “Before you can use Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite, you must create an administrative user for Business Central.”

      There seems to be a link between this exact username and the controllerUser config line, if true this should be mentioned so people make sure they do not rename the bpmsAdmin user.

      “If you deployed Execution Server without Business Central on EAP then you must use one of the following commands to start EAP with the standalone-full profile.”
      There was no hint of any way to deploy without Business Central, so how does this work, why is this here?

            emmurphy1@redhat.com Emily Murphy
            emmurphy1@redhat.com Emily Murphy
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