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  1. BxMS Documentation
  2. BXMSDOC-1120

Fix description of SOAP Interface in Development Guide


      There are several things that need to be fixed in chapter 23. SOAP Interface:

      1. Move this chapter to chapter 21. Remote API as a new section 21.5. SOAP API.
      2. Make the text in section 23.1. SOAP API an introduction in the new section.
      3. Remove the following sentence: Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite provides one SOAP service in the form of the CommandWebService
      4. Rename section 23.2. Client-side Java WebService Client to 21.5.1. CommandWebService.
      5. Remove the first two paragraphs from that section and add a new paragraph instead of them: Business Central in Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite provides a SOAP interface in the form of the CommandWebService. A Java client is provided as a generated CommandWebService class and can be used the following way:
      6. Change method name and return type in the first example from void runCommandWebService to JaxbProcessInstanceResponse startProcessInstance
      7. Remove the last two lines of code in that example and add return (JaxbProcessInstanceResponse) cmdResp; instead.
      8. Replace the following sentences: The SOAP interface for the Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite Execution Server is currently available for EAP, EWS, WAS, and AS. This client-side interface incorporates the CommandWebService class and includes the execute operation as depicted below: by this one: The SOAP interface of the Business Central in the Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite is currently available for JBoss EAP, IBM WebSphere, and Oracle WebLogic.
      9. Remove the last code example with CommandWebService class.

              klara@redhat.com Klara Bezdekova
              tlivora Tomáš Livora (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
