Uploaded image for project: 'OpenShift Builds'
  1. OpenShift Builds
  2. BUILD-629

Setup CI for testing Shipwright in Interop framework


    • Pipeline Integrations #241, Pipeline Integrations #242, Pipeline Integrations #243, Pipeline Integrations #3244, Pipeline Integrations #3246, Pipeline Integrations #3245, Pipeline Integrations #3247, Pipeline Integrations #3248, Pipeline Integrations #3249, Pipeline Integrations #3250
    • 10

      Story (Required)

      As a QE engineer testing OpenShift Builds, I would like the OpenShift CI tests to run periodically against the latest OpenShift release candidate builds.

      Background (Required)

      QE has implemented Interop (periodic) testing.

      Out of scope

      • OpenShift CI configuration of pull request triggered tests

      Approach (Required)



      <Describes what this story depends on. Dependent Stories and EPICs should be linked to the story.>

      Acceptance Criteria (Mandatory)

      • OpenShift CI is setup to periodically run the existing CI tests for OpenShift Builds
      • Notifications are sent to the team about failures of the periodic tests

      INVEST Checklist

      Dependencies identified

      Blockers noted and expected delivery timelines set

      Design is implementable

      Acceptance criteria agreed upon

      Story estimated





      Done Checklist

      • Code is completed, reviewed, documented and checked in
      • Unit and integration test automation have been delivered and running cleanly in continuous integration/staging/canary environment
      • Continuous Delivery pipeline(s) is able to proceed with new code included
      • Customer facing documentation, API docs etc. are produced/updated, reviewed and published
      • Acceptance criteria are met

              jitensingh Jitendar Singh
              spandura@redhat.com Shwetha Panduranga (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
