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  1. OpenShift Builds
  2. BUILD-445

Complete ESSv9 Security Assessment


    • 3
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • SECFLOWOTL-24 - Openshift Builds (Shipwright) : GA v1.0
    • Impediment
    • Sprint 217, Sprint 219, Sprint 220
    • 3

      User Story

      As a Red Hat engineer
      I want to complete the Enterprise Security Standards assessment
      So that I can ensure my product is being developed and distributed in a secure fashion

      Acceptance Criteria

      • Conduct threat modeling for Shipwright
      • Complete questionnaire


      ESSv9 is a 40 question survey that asks various questions regarding the security measures that are or are not in place for Shipwright.
      Part of completing the questionnaire includes a threat model.

      -Survey in progress: https://redhat-assess.truste.com/survey.html#/survey/f48812d1-4826-4c32-ae8e-1cf07ee45ddb- It appears only one person can submit responses in the survey.

              jkhelil abdeljawed khelil
              adkaplan@redhat.com Adam Kaplan
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
