Resolution: Done
SECFLOWOTL-25 - S2I Image GA Release
Sprint 218, Sprint 219, Build + Jenkins Sprint 231, Build + Jenkins Sprint 232, Build + Jenkins Sprint 233, Build + Jenkins Sprint #234, Pipeline Integrations #235, Pipeline Integrations #242, Pipeline Integrations #243, Pipeline Integrations #3244, Pipeline Integrations #3246, Pipeline Integrations #3245, Pipeline Integrations #3247
User Story
As a developer using s2i in Tekton pipelines/Shipwright builds
I want to use a GA version of the source-to-image container
So that I know my toolchain is fully supported by Red Hat
Acceptance Criteria
- s2i image for Tekton/Shipwright is in a "GA" container image repository (ex - registry.redhat.io/ocp-tools-4/source-to-image-rhel8)
- Tag versioning scheme aligns with upstream project versioning.
- PoC that the new s2i image works with the Tekton
Docs Impact
Need to check with Docs team if there are any updates that need to be made for GA
QE Impact
QE should verify that a Tekton pipeline which uses s2i works with the GA image. Some of this coverage may already exist in Tekton's QE testing. Adding smoke tests to the source-to-image repository is optional.
PX Impact
We have entries in Comet already that will let us release the image as registry.redhat.io/ocp-tools-4/source-to-image-rhel8.
Next step is to update the s2i CPaaS pipeline to push to the new GA location.
We need to rebuild this image off the latest RHEL8 image anyway - the current tech preview image is based on a very old image that has two CVEs rated Important.
Operating assumption is that we will need to work with EXD - Distribution to release the image.
Our current CPaaS configuration for s2i v1.3.1: https://gitlab.cee.redhat.com/cpaas-products/ocp-tools-source-to-image/-/tree/v1.3.1. Note the following:
- OCP tools version is 4.7 for brew's build
- Current Configuration is to push to the tech-preview container repo. See product.yaml