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  1. OpenShift Builds
  2. BUILD-145

Fix usability with mirroring sample images in disconnected environments


    • Sprint 191, Sprint 192

      User Story

      As an cluster administrator of a disconnected OCP cluster,
      I want a list of possible sample images to mirror
      So that I can configure my image mirror prior to installing OCP in a disconnected environment.

      Acceptance Criteria

      • Publish the list of the sample images to mirror as a ConfigMap in the samples operator namespace.
      • Provide instructions on how to obtain the current image SHAs from the list above (via podman or skopeo).
      • Reference the ConfigMap name in our "import failing" alert.
      • [optional] Reference the ConfigMap name in our "Removed" condition message.


      it is too onerous to find a connected cluster in order to obtain the list of possible samples images to mirror using the current documented procedures.
      I need a list make available to me in my disconnected cluster that I can reference after initial install.

            gmontero@redhat.com Gabe Montero
            gmontero@redhat.com Gabe Montero
            XiuJuan Wang XiuJuan Wang
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
