Resolution: Done
[Test only] Test external OIDC various API fields
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To Do
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
Auth QE already tested many for the external OIDC in 4.16 and in the backport, filed quite several bugs where more than half are critical/blocker bugs linked under HOSTEDCP-1246.
But external OIDC feature uses https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/authentication/#using-authentication-configuration and there are many various Authentication API fields https://github.com/openshift/api/blob/master/config/v1/types_authentication.go#L196-L482 that HOSTEDCP-1246 QE would not test, however they will be delivered to customers.
Though basic scenario already completed test in 4.16 and 4.15, and has been written to test cases OCP-71561 (covers public cli and private console clients/audiences), OCP-71570, OCP-71571, OCP-72849 (covers OCPBUGS-30030), et al, Auth QE is proactively trying to test those various other fields' functions, and the efforts would be worth of an Epic, but no Jira Epic as a visibility tracker. So creating this test-only Epic as tracker.
This Epic can be only post-merge tested, because even in Dev side, some implementation decisions were not finalized until PRs were approaching to merge.