Resolution: Done
It seems the translations are not picked up. I've pulled the most recent set and verified that a portuguese translation [1] exists for the transaction subsystem, that acts as example in this case. However when I query the DMR description with providing a locale it does return the english contents [2].
[1] transactions/src/main/resources/org/jboss/as/txn/subsystem/LocalDescriptions_pt_BR.properties
[2] example query:
/subsystem=transactions:read-resource-description(locale=pt_BR) [...] "enable-tsm-status" => { "type" => BOOLEAN, "description" => "Whether the transaction status manager (TSM) service, needed for out of process recovery, should be provided or not..", "expressions-allowed" => false, "nillable" => true, "default" => false, "access-type" => "read-write", "storage" => "configuration", "restart-required" => "all-services" }, [...]
- is related to
AS7-4748 Update to console 1.3.1 (i18n hotfixes)
- Resolved