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  1. Application Server 7
  2. AS7-3158

Requests around cluster membership change with REPL+SYNC cache could take up to 17 seconds to respond


      10:59:22:800 one of the 4 nodes was brought up
      10:59:23:879 requested url
      10:59:41:390 clustered replied 17.511 seconds later

      nothing in the logs

      2012/01/02 10:59:15:865 EST [DEBUG][Runner - 0] HOST perf17.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:rootProcess:c - Request took 11 ms.
      2012/01/02 10:59:15:866 EST [DEBUG][Runner - 0] HOST perf17.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:rootProcess:c - Response size is 2.  Processing Response Body.
      2012/01/02 10:59:19:866 EST [DEBUG][Runner - 0] HOST perf17.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:rootProcess:c - Requesting URL: http://perf17:8080/clusterbench/session
      2012/01/02 10:59:19:878 EST [DEBUG][Runner - 0] HOST perf17.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:rootProcess:c - Request took 12 ms.
      2012/01/02 10:59:19:879 EST [DEBUG][Runner - 0] HOST perf17.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:rootProcess:c - Response size is 2.  Processing Response Body.
      2012/01/02 10:59:19:900 EST [INFO ][TestController] HOST perf17.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:rootProcess:c - Bringing back node 1 (perf19)
      2012/01/02 10:59:22:800 EST [INFO ][TestController] HOST perf17.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:rootProcess:c - Node 1 (perf19) is up.
      2012/01/02 10:59:22:800 EST [INFO ][TestController] HOST perf17.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:rootProcess:c - Cluster state: [UP, UP, UP, UP].
      2012/01/02 10:59:23:879 EST [DEBUG][Runner - 0] HOST perf17.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:rootProcess:c - Requesting URL: http://perf17:8080/clusterbench/session
      2012/01/02 10:59:24:212 EST [INFO ][StatsRunner] HOST perf17.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:rootProcess:c - Total: Sessions: 1, active: 1, samples: 2, throughput 0.2 samples/s, 0.0 MB/s, mean response: 11 ms, sampling errors: 0, invalid samples: 0, valid samples: 2 (100%)
      2012/01/02 10:59:24:213 EST [DEBUG][StatsRunner] HOST perf17.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:rootProcess:c - Updated totals: Sessions: 0, active: 30, samples: 76, throughput 7.6 samples/s, 0.0 MB/s, mean response: 11 ms, sampling errors: 0, invalid samples: 0, valid samples: 76 (100%)
      2012/01/02 10:59:24:213 EST [INFO ][StatsRunner] HOST perf17.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:rootProcess:c - perf18: Sessions: 1, active: 0, samples: 0, throughput 0.0 samples/s, 0.0 MB/s, mean response: 0 ms, sampling errors: 0, invalid samples: 0, valid samples: 0 (0%)
      2012/01/02 10:59:24:213 EST [INFO ][StatsRunner] HOST perf17.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:rootProcess:c - perf19: Sessions: 1, active: 0, samples: 0, throughput 0.0 samples/s, 0.0 MB/s, mean response: 0 ms, sampling errors: 0, invalid samples: 0, valid samples: 0 (0%)
      2012/01/02 10:59:24:213 EST [INFO ][StatsRunner] HOST perf17.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:rootProcess:c - perf20: Sessions: 1, active: 1, samples: 2, throughput 0.2 samples/s, 0.0 MB/s, mean response: 11 ms, sampling errors: 0, invalid samples: 0, valid samples: 2 (100%)
      2012/01/02 10:59:34:213 EST [INFO ][StatsRunner] HOST perf17.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:rootProcess:c - Total: Sessions: 1, active: 0, samples: 0, throughput 0.0 samples/s, 0.0 MB/s, mean response: 0 ms, sampling errors: 0, invalid samples: 0, valid samples: 0 (0%)
      2012/01/02 10:59:34:214 EST [DEBUG][StatsRunner] HOST perf17.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:rootProcess:c - Updated totals: Sessions: 1, active: 30, samples: 76, throughput 7.6 samples/s, 0.0 MB/s, mean response: 11 ms, sampling errors: 0, invalid samples: 0, valid samples: 76 (100%)
      2012/01/02 10:59:34:214 EST [INFO ][StatsRunner] HOST perf17.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:rootProcess:c - perf18: Sessions: 1, active: 0, samples: 0, throughput 0.0 samples/s, 0.0 MB/s, mean response: 0 ms, sampling errors: 0, invalid samples: 0, valid samples: 0 (0%)
      2012/01/02 10:59:34:214 EST [INFO ][StatsRunner] HOST perf17.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:rootProcess:c - perf19: Sessions: 1, active: 0, samples: 0, throughput 0.0 samples/s, 0.0 MB/s, mean response: 0 ms, sampling errors: 0, invalid samples: 0, valid samples: 0 (0%)
      2012/01/02 10:59:34:214 EST [INFO ][StatsRunner] HOST perf17.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:rootProcess:c - perf20: Sessions: 1, active: 0, samples: 0, throughput 0.0 samples/s, 0.0 MB/s, mean response: 0 ms, sampling errors: 0, invalid samples: 0, valid samples: 0 (0%)
      2012/01/02 10:59:41:390 EST [DEBUG][Runner - 0] HOST perf17.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:rootProcess:c - Request took 17511 ms.
      2012/01/02 10:59:41:390 EST [DEBUG][Runner - 0] HOST perf17.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com:rootProcess:c - Response size is 2.  Processing Response Body.

              pferraro@redhat.com Paul Ferraro
              rhn-engineering-rhusar Radoslav Husar
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
