Resolution: Done
This test case was identified in TCK6. There is a MDB with CMT configured - com/sun/ts/tests/jms/ee/mdb/xa
The testsuite sends a message to MDB
1) creates a QueueSession
2) Start UT
3) Send a message
4) Rollback UT
5) Start UT
6) Send a message
7) commit UT
Unfortunately the semantics is broken as QueueSession is not enlisted into transactions.
The enlistment is done when UserTransaction emits a notification org/jboss/tm/usertx/UserTransactionRegistry. The enlistment is done by JCA component which receives the notification and enlists all active XAResources.
Unfortunately the notification is emitted by org/jboss/tm/usertx/client/ServerVMClientUserTransaction. Unfortunately org/jboss/as/txn/service/ArjunaTransactionManagerService hard-codes com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.arjunacore.UserTransactionImple which does not have this capability.
It is necessary to support this scenario as it is tested in TCKs.
- relates to
AS7-2874 Transaction rollback does not work for raw sql and bean managed transaction
- Resolved