Resolution: Done
If an Entity Bean has a @PreUpdate listener, the listener is not called in the context of the caller (session bean) in case of Container Managed Transactions.
As a result, an jndi lookup in the callback for 'java:comp/EJBContext' returns always null. The @PreUpdate callback should run in the context of the caller.
@Entity @EntityListeners({ MyListener.class }) public class MyEntity { ... }
public class MyListener { @PreUpdate @PrePersist public void onEntityCallback(Object entity) { EJBContext ctx; ctx = createInitialContext().lookup("java:comp/EJBContext"); System.out.println(ctx.getCallerPrincipal().getName()); } }
@Stateless public class MyServiceBean implements MyServiceRemote { @Override public void updateEntity(MyEntity entity) { entityManager.merge(entity); } }
This listener works fine on @PrePersist (Container- and Bean Managed Transactions) but fails on @PreUpdate with a NullPointerException if container managed transactions are used.
Workaround: use User Transactions instead of Container Managed Transactions