Uploaded image for project: 'Application Server 7'
  1. Application Server 7
  2. AS7-2716

Mail subsystem resource attributes are all marked as read-only


      The mail subsystem has all its model attributes marked as read-only:

      [standalone@localhost:9999 /] /subsystem=mail:read-resource-description(recursive=true)
          "outcome" => "success",
          "result" => {
              "description" => "The mail subsystem",
              "head-comment-allowed" => true,
              "tail-comment-allowed" => true,
              "namespace" => "urn:jboss:domain:mail:1.0",
              "children" => {"mail-session" => {
                  "description" => "Defines the mail sessions.",
                  "min-occurs" => 1,
                  "model-description" => {"*" => {
                      "description" => "Mail session configuration",
                      "head-comment-allowed" => true,
                      "tail-comment-allowed" => true,
                      "attributes" => {
                          "jndi-name" => {
                              "description" => "JNDI name to where mail session should be bound",
                              "type" => STRING,
                              "required" => true,
                              "access-type" => "read-only",
                              "storage" => "configuration"
                          "debug" => {
                              "description" => "If this is true the MailSessionConfiguration will be set to debug mode",
                              "type" => STRING,
                              "required" => false,
                              "access-type" => "read-only",
                              "storage" => "configuration"
                          "smtp-server" => {
                              "description" => "The address of a SMTP Mail Server",
                              "type" => STRING,
                              "required" => false,
                              "access-type" => "read-only",
                              "storage" => "configuration"
                          "imap-server" => {
                              "description" => "The address of an IMAP Mail Server",
                              "type" => STRING,
                              "required" => false,
                              "access-type" => "read-only",
                              "storage" => "configuration"
                          "pop3-server" => {
                              "description" => "The address of a POP3 Mail Server",
                              "type" => STRING,
                              "required" => false,
                              "access-type" => "read-only",
                              "storage" => "configuration"

      The resource definition needs to be implemented to provide write access to those attributes.

              tomazcerar Tomaž Cerar (Inactive)
              jaikiran Jaikiran Pai (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
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