Uploaded image for project: 'Application Server 7'
  1. Application Server 7
  2. AS7-2276

Scripts usability: --help option need not start Java


      It is not necessary to start a JVM to print out raw text on the console. This could be easily handled by the script and print the options in a clean and fast way.

      [rhusar@rhusar jboss-as-7.0.2.Final]$ time ./bin/standalone.sh --help
        JBoss Bootstrap Environment
        JBOSS_HOME: /home/rhusar/Download/jboss-as-7.0.2.Final
        JAVA: /home/rhusar/tools/jdk1.6.0/bin/java
        JAVA_OPTS: -server -Xms64m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dorg.jboss.resolver.warning=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 -Djboss.modules.system.pkgs=org.jboss.byteman -Djava.awt.headless=true
      10:36:43,613 INFO  [org.jboss.modules] JBoss Modules version 1.0.2.GA
      10:36:43,965 INFO  [stdout] Usage: ./standalone.sh [args...]
      10:36:43,966 INFO  [stdout] 
      10:36:43,968 INFO  [stdout] where args include:
      10:36:43,968 INFO  [stdout]     -b=<value>                         Set system property jboss.bind.address to the given value
      10:36:43,969 INFO  [stdout]     -b <value>                         Set system property jboss.bind.address to the given value
      10:36:43,969 INFO  [stdout]     -b<interface>=<value>              Set system property jboss.bind.address.<interface> to the given value
      10:36:43,969 INFO  [stdout]     -D<name>[=<value>]                 Set a system property
      10:36:43,970 INFO  [stdout]     -h                                 Display this message and exit
      10:36:43,970 INFO  [stdout]     --help                             Display this message and exit
      10:36:43,970 INFO  [stdout]     -P=<url>                           Load system properties from the given url
      10:36:43,970 INFO  [stdout]     -P <url>                           Load system properties from the given url
      10:36:43,971 INFO  [stdout]     --properties=<url>                 Load system properties from the given url
      10:36:43,972 INFO  [stdout]     --server-config=<config>           Name of the server configuration file to use (default is "standalone.xml")
      10:36:43,972 INFO  [stdout]     -V                                 Print version and exit
      10:36:43,972 INFO  [stdout]     -v                                 Print version and exit
      10:36:43,973 INFO  [stdout]     --version                          Print version and exit
      10:36:43,973 INFO  [stdout] 
      real	0m1.071s
      user	0m0.718s
      sys	0m0.077s

              Unassigned Unassigned
              rhn-engineering-rhusar Radoslav Husar
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