Resolution: Duplicate
Looking at the output from read-resource-description I noticed that the value of restart-required sometimes is capitalized and in other cases it's not. E.g. take the following subsystem:
[standalone@localhost:9999 subsystem=osgi] :read-resource-description(recursive=true) { "outcome" => "success", "result" => { "description" => "The OSGi subsystem configuration.", "head-comment-allowed" => true, "tail-comment-allowed" => true, "namespace" => "urn:jboss:domain:osgi:1.0", "attributes" => { "activation" => { "description" => "Activation flag for the OSGi subsystem. Possible values: lazy, eager.", "type" => STRING, "default" => "LAZY", "access-type" => "read-write", "restart-required" => "no-services", "storage" => "configuration" }, "startlevel" => { "description" => "The current Start Level of the OSGi Framework. Changing this value will change the start level of the Framework accordingly. ", "type" => INT, "access-type" => "read-write", "restart-required" => "no-services", "storage" => "runtime" } }, "children" => { "configuration" => { "description" => "A Configuration Admin Service entry. The identity of the entry defines the PID (Persistent Identifier) that the entry is associated with.", "model-description" => {"*" => { "description" => "A Configuration Admin Service entry. The identity of the entry defines the PID (Persistent Identifier) that the entry is associated with.", "attributes" => {"entries" => { "description" => "The list of configuration entries.", "required" => true, "type" => LIST, "value-type" => UNDEFINED, "access-type" => "read-only", "restart-required" => "RESTART_NONE", "storage" => "configuration" }} }} }, ...
You can see that for the same AttributeAccess.Flag.RESTART_NONE value in some cases it's transformed into 'no-services' and in other cases it's left the way it is.
I isolated this issue to org.jboss.as.controller.operations.global.GlobalOperationHandlers (~line 830) and noticed that only in the case of a read-write attribute this transformation is applied. That seems incorrect... I'm wondering why do we do this translation at all and not simply return the Flag.toString()?
- duplicates
AS7-1982 CLI reports incorrect access-type, value-type, restart-required values
- Resolved