Resolution: Done
We have :read-attribute and :write-attribute commands but we do not have :remove-attribute command. It would be invoked on attributes which have flag required set to false.
For example when I define socket-binding-port-offset for server-group I can't remove it and I can't set it to 0 using CLI.
/server-group=main-server-group:read-resource-description() "socket-binding-port-offset" => { "description" => "The default offset to be added to the port values given by the socket binding group.", "type" => INT, "required" => false, "access-type" => "read-write", "storage" => "configuration", "restart-required" => "no-services" },
- is related to
AS7-2141 Attribute socket-binding-port-offset for server-group cannot be set to 0
- Resolved